Switch | Description |
-? | Show this help window. |
-7z | Run in 7z archiver mode. Example: SDI.exe -7z x DP_TV_Beholder_14020.7z |
-install <hwid> <inffile> | Install driver with specified <hwid> from <inffile>. Exit codes: 1 - Successfully installed. 0x80000001 - Successfully installed(reboot required). Other - Errors. |
-HWIDInstalled:<hwid>=<file> | Check if driver <hwid> installed in session <file> Exit codes: 0 Driver not installed in session saved in <file>. 1 Driver has been installed in session saved in <file>. 24 Invalid length. HWID is shorter than 17 characters. |
-save-installed-id[:<file>] | Saves HardwareIDs of installed driver in <file>. If <file> is not specified, saves at %temp%\SDI2\InstalledID.txt |
-PATH <pathToDrivers> | Runs as a replacement of DPInst. For exit codes refer to the documentation of DPInst. |
-delextrainfs | Deletes unused infs after extracting. |
-verbose:<flags> | Sets log detail level. |
-ls:<file> | Loads snapshot. |
-nogui | Runs without GUI interface. |
-nologfile | Suppress creating logs. |
-nosnapshot | Suppress creating snapshots. |
-nostamp | Creates logs and snapshot without timestamps. |
Switch | Description |
-drp_dir:<dir> | Path to driverpacks. |
-index_dir:<dir> | Path to indexes. |
-output_dir:<dir> | Path to indexes in human-readable format. |
-data_dir:<dir> | Path to translations and themes. |
-log_dir:<dir> | Path to logs and snapshots. |
-lang:<name> | Current interface language. |
-theme:<name> | Current theme. |
-hintdelay:<time> | Sets hint delay. |
-wndwx:<num> | Sets window width. |
-wndwy:<num> | Sets window height. |
-filters:<flags> | Sets filters. |
-expertmode | Enable the expert mode. |
-license | Suppress the license dialog. |
-norestorepnt | Suppress creating of restore point. |
-novirusalerts | Suppress virus alerts. |
-showdrpnames1 | Shows driverpack names on the right. |
-showdrpnames2 | Shows driverpack names above. |
-oldstyle | Shows driver list using old style. |
-keepunpackedindex | Prevents updating of indexes for unpacked drivers. |
-preservecfg | Prevents updating of sdi.cfg. |
-cfg:<FileName> | Loads <file> instead of "sdi.cfg". |
Switch | Description |
-checkupdates | Checks for updates online. |
-onlyupdates | Disables notification of missing driverpacks. |
-autoupdate | Starts downloading automatically. |
-port:<num> | Port for torrent client. |
-downlimit:<num> | Sets download speed limit (in KBs). |
-uplimit:<num> | Sets upload speed limit (in KBs). |
-connections:<num> | Sets the maximum number of connections. |
-finish_upd_cmd:<cmd> | Specifies a command executed upon completion of download. |
-autoclose | Close the application after downloading. |
Switch | Description |
-a:32 | Emulates 32-bit Windows. |
-a:64 | Emulates 64-bit Windows. |
-v:<version> | Emulates Windows of specific version. For example, in order to emulate Windows Vista use -v:60. |
Switch | Description |
-autoinstall | Immediately start driver installation. |
-autoclose | Close the application after installation. |
-finish_cmd:<cmd> | Specifies a command executed upon completion of driver installation. |
-finishrb_cmd:<cmd> | Specifies a command executed upon completion of driver installation when reboot is required. |
-extractdir:<dir> | Path to TEMP. |
-keeptempfiles | Keep temp files. |
Switch | Description |
-showconsole | Displays console window. |
-failsafe | Disables indexing of WINDOWS\inf. |
-disableinstall | Suppresses driver installation and creation of a restore point. |
-reindex | Forces reindexing of all driverpacks. |
-index_hr | Creates indexes in human-readable format. |
The -verbose:<flags> switch is used to set log detail level. | |||
For example, in order to log only sections DeviceInfo and manager_print, you have to calculate the sum: 4+16=20. SDI.exe -verbose:20 | |||
Name | Hex value | Decimal value | Description |
LOG_VERBOSE_ARGS | 0x0001 | 1 | Sections: "Settings". |
LOG_VERBOSE_SYSINFO | 0x0002 | 2 | Sections: "Windows", "Environment". |
LOG_VERBOSE_DEVICES | 0x0004 | 4 | Sections: "DeviceInfo". |
LOG_VERBOSE_MATCHER | 0x0008 | 8 | Sections: "{matcher_print". |
LOG_VERBOSE_MANAGER | 0x0010 | 16 | Sections: "{manager_print". |
LOG_VERBOSE_DRP | 0x0020 | 32 | Sections: "Driverpacks". |
LOG_VERBOSE_TIMES | 0x0040 | 64 | Sections: "Times". |
LOG_VERBOSE_LOG_ERR | 0x0080 | 128 | Error messages. |
LOG_VERBOSE_LOG_CON | 0x0100 | 256 | Misc messages. |
LOG_VERBOSE_LAGCOUNTER | 0x0200 | 512 | GUI lag counter. |
LOG_VERBOSE_DEVSYNC | 0x0400 | 1024 | Sections: "{Updated". |
LOG_VERBOSE_BATCH | 0x0800 | 2048 | Batch processing of snapshots. |
ECHO OFF ::*********************************************************************************** :: :: Keep SDI.exe updated with the latest drivers and version of SDI_Rnnn.exe :: :: NOTE: Put this batch file in the SDI_UPDATE directory with the SDI_Rnnn.exe file ::*********************************************************************************** :: ::SET SDIPath to location of batch file which should be with SDI_Rnnn.exe SET SDIPath=%~dp0 PUSHD %SDIPath% ::Get the newest SDI_Rnnn.exe file FOR /F "delims=|" %%I IN ('DIR "SDI_R*.exe" /B /O:D') DO SET NewestSDI=%%I :: Run SDI update CALL %NewestSDI% /autoupdate /autoclose ::Make sure we still have most current executable in case one was just downloaded FOR /F "delims=|" %%I IN ('DIR "SDI_R*.exe" /B /O:D') DO SET NewestSDI=%%I ::Copy current version to SDI.exe COPY %NewestSDI% SDI.exe /Y POPD |
ECHO OFF ::Get the newest SDI_Rnnn.exe file for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b /od "%~dp0SDI_R*.exe"') do set "SDIEXE=%%a" for /F %%i in ('dir /b drivers\*.7z') do %SDIEXE% -7z x drivers\%%i -y -odrivers\%%~ni del indexes\SDI\unpacked.bin echo -keepunpackedindex >> sdi.cfg |